In a bid to ensure a smooth and peaceful Ganesh immersion procession, police officers from various regions meticulously inspected the road routes from Balapur via Chandrayanagutta towards Tank Bund. The police department has earnestly requested the public to cooperate and adhere to the management guidelines to prevent any errors. The festive spirit of Ganesh celebrations is in full swing across Telangana, with notable dignitaries such as Telangana State DGP Shri Jitender IPS and Hyderabad Police Commissioner CV Anand IPS actively participating in overseeing the arrangements.
The program saw a collective effort from police personnel to assess and secure the procession routes, emphasizing the need for committee members and devotees to collaborate for the successful execution of Ganesh idols’ immersion plans. Notably, repair works along the Balapur to Namazjanam route are underway to facilitate a seamless procession experience. To enhance security measures during the Ganesh Shobhayatra, extensive police presence and CCTV surveillance have been implemented.
DGP Shri Jitender IPS has encouraged devotees to partake in the Ganesh Nimajjanam program joyously and peacefully, underscoring the significance of this revered festival in Telangana. The presence of Mayor Chigirintha Parijata Narasimha Reddy, corporators, and Ganesh festival committee members further exemplifies the community’s involvement and support in ensuring a successful celebration.
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