The Andhra Pradesh government is set to conduct Revenue Sadassulu at the village level throughout the state for a period of 45 days with the goal of addressing all land-related issues. The sessions are scheduled to commence on August 16 and conclude on September 30, following a formal launch event in the districts on August 15. Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, who had pledged to eliminate the Land Titling Act and resolve land-related matters during the elections, fulfilled this promise by officially revoking the act after taking office, a move that garnered approval from the assembly. In response to a significant number of grievances, particularly concerning land matters, received at the TD central office within the last 50 days, Naidu initiated the Revenue Sadassulu initiative. Under the directives of the CM, the revenue department has issued guidelines for the Sadassulu program. A team of officials from relevant departments will visit every revenue village to collect representations from individuals facing land-related issues, particularly those impacted by land grabbing and Section 22A manipulation. A senior IAS officer will be appointed as the district special officer to oversee the district schedule, monitor the petitions at the village and mandal levels, manage the receiving and disposing process, and ensure timely resolution. All petitions will be digitally recorded in a designated section on the Grievance Redressal portal established by RTGS.
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