Kammari Ramulu, an ordinary farmer faced with the annual challenge of navigating his farm during the rainy season, found himself hindered by the overflowing Gunduvagu river. This obstacle was not unique to him but affected many farmers in the region. Frustrated by the lack of action from authorities despite requests for a bridge, Ramulu decided to embark on a journey that would transform him from a farmer to an engineer.
The Gunduvagu river flows from Bodmat Palli in Tekmal Mandal, draining rainwater from Alladurgam Tekmal mandals through various villages. The lands alongside the river, totaling up to 200 acres, were rendered inaccessible during floods, posing a significant problem for agricultural activities. Ramulu, also known as Rythu Kammari Ramulu, recognized the need for a solution and took it upon himself to construct a bridge over the river.
With a 15-acre farm in the area where he cultivated rice and cotton crops, Ramulu experienced firsthand the challenges brought by the floods. Determined to make a change, he initiated the construction of the bridge, estimating a cost of up to two lakh rupees. Despite delays, Ramulu’s perseverance paid off as the bridge near the river became a reality with the support of contributions, including 30 thousand rupees from Prabhakar Sharma.
The completion of the bridge marked a significant milestone for the farmers in the region, allowing them to access their lands even during heavy rains. The community’s response has been overwhelmingly positive, with villagers praising Ramulu for his initiative and dedication. Plans to further enhance the bridge’s functionality are underway, reflecting the impact of one man’s unwavering commitment to improving the lives of his fellow farmers.
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