The Telangana Cyber Security Police recently made headlines with a significant breakthrough in the fight against cyber crime. A total of 27 accused individuals involved in over 2,000 cases of cyber crimes across the country were apprehended and brought to Hyderabad following a massive operation conducted in Rajasthan.
The operation marked a historic moment as it was the first time the Telangana Police ventured into another state to apprehend cyber criminals on such a large scale. Despite facing challenges with the cooperation of Rajasthan Police, the Telangana Cyber Security Police successfully arrested the perpetrators after a 15-day pursuit in Jaipur and other areas of Rajasthan.
Cyber Security Director Shikha Goyal disclosed that the arrested individuals were linked to a staggering 2,223 cases nationwide, with 189 cases reported in Telangana alone. The criminals had siphoned off funds to multiple accounts across the country, totaling over 11 crore rupees, using cryptocurrency channels.
The Telangana Cyber Security Police are actively pursuing the masterminds behind the cyber crimes, including individuals from diverse professions such as government employees, gym trainers, hotel managers, and cooks. This revelation sheds light on the involvement of individuals from varied backgrounds in cyber criminal activities.
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