Telegram’s chief executive, Pavel Durov, is set to make a court appearance following his arrest by French authorities at an airport close to Paris. The Franco-Russian billionaire, aged 39, was taken into custody at Le Bourget airport on Saturday evening. Sources, speaking anonymously, revealed that Durov had traveled from Baku, Azerbaijan.
Allegations against Durov, including fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime, and terrorism promotion, stem from an investigation by France’s OFMIN, an office dedicated to preventing violence against minors. Authorities claim Durov neglected to address the illicit use of his messaging platform, leading to legal repercussions.
Investigators expressed surprise at Durov’s decision to visit Paris despite being a wanted individual. Telegram, based in Dubai, has positioned itself as a privacy-focused alternative to US-owned platforms that are criticized for exploiting user data commercially. The company has pledged never to disclose user information.
In response to Durov’s arrest, the Russian embassy in Paris criticized French authorities for lack of cooperation. The embassy demanded clarification on the detention reasons, protection of Durov’s rights, and consular access, which the French side allegedly refused to provide. Moscow also sought consular access for Durov, highlighting his French citizenship.
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