A wave of sorrow has hit Tollywood as veteran actor Vijay Rangaraju has passed away. After battling health issues for the past few days, he breathed his last while undergoing treatment at a government hospital in Chennai. Known for his versatile acting, Rangaraju made a successful transition from theater artist to film industry, leaving a lasting impact in both villain and supporting roles across numerous films.
Vijay Rangaraju, also known by his stage name Raj Kumar, passed away suddenly due to a heart attack at a private hospital in Chennai. Just a week ago, he had suffered an injury during a film shoot in Hyderabad and traveled to Chennai for treatment. While receiving medical care, he succumbed to a heart attack. Rangaraju is survived by two daughters.
Rangaraju’s acting career began on stage, but it was his role in the film “Seetha Kalyanam” directed by Bapu that marked his debut. However, his big break came with the film “Bhairava Dweepam,” where his portrayal of the antagonist earned him widespread acclaim. This marked a turning point in his career, and the subsequent film “Yagnam,” where he played a powerful villain, solidified his place in the industry. He continued to captivate audiences with his remarkable performances in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam films.
In addition to his acting prowess, Vijay Rangaraju was also skilled in weightlifting and bodybuilding. His dedication to fitness was evident throughout his career.
However, his reputation faced a setback in 2020 when he made inappropriate comments about Kannada superstar Vishnuvardhan. His remarks led to heavy trolling on social media and caused a stir within the Kannada film industry, with several prominent stars, including Kichcha Sudeep, Darshan, and the late Puneeth Rajkumar, demanding an apology from him. Rangaraju later admitted his mistake and, in a heartfelt apology, expressed deep regret for his actions.
Vijay Rangaraju will be remembered for his powerful screen presence and impactful performances that left a lasting impression on the audiences of Tollywood and beyond.
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