In Jamiguda, the national flag was revealed, marking a significant moment. Tribals in Chintapalli and GK Veedhi Pedabayalu Munchangi Puttu mandals, who had distanced themselves from festivities for an extended period, proudly unfurled the national flag and paid their respects. Previously, Maoists had advocated for the display of black flags in remote regions. However, this time witnessed a complete shift as all tribal members came together in celebration.
In the Marumula areas of Alluri Agency, the tricolor flag was raised, symbolizing a newfound courage among tribals who had long lived in fear due to Maoist influence. Children from the tribal community joyfully sang patriotic melodies, expressing their admiration for the tricolor flag. They saluted the national flag with a spirited “Jai Hind,” while the atmosphere was filled with shared chocolates and jubilation, drawing all villagers into the festivities.
For the first time, Independence Day festivities were extravagantly observed in the remote corners of Alluri District Agency, with tribals proudly showcasing the national flag. Previously under Maoist control, regions like Pedabayalu, GK Veedhi, and Munchangiputtu witnessed a transformation as locals shed their fear and actively participated in the national celebration. The police took on a proactive role in aiding the tribals, engaging in community policing initiatives to address their concerns and foster trust within these communities.
Years of intimidation by Maoists had deterred tribals in remote areas from joining Independence Day flag-raising ceremonies. However, with Maoist influence waning and police credibility on the rise, a newfound sense of freedom resonated. This year, even the most hesitant individuals, including wild children, enthusiastically engaged in the flag festival.
In Pedabayalu Mandal Injari, the national flag was unfurled in front of a primary school, attracting students, teachers, and villagers to partake in the festivities. The vibrant display of colorful flags for the first time in the area evoked a sense of unity and pride. Tribal children sang passionately about their love for the tricolor flag, symbolizing its significance. The communities of Chintapalli, GK Vedi, Pedabayalu, and Munchangi Puttu united in raising the national flag and saluting it, signifying a momentous shift in their collective spirit.
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