The security of Jana Sena Chief and Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan has become a topic of heated discussion, as repeated incidents raise serious concerns. Despite the Y+ category security currently assigned to him, Jana Sena leaders and supporters are demanding Z or Z+ category protection due to recurring lapses. Here’s a detailed look at the key security breaches:
Incident 1: Death Threat in December
In December last year, Pawan Kalyan’s OSD (Officer on Special Duty) received a threatening call stating intentions to kill the leader.
- The police arrested Nooka Mallikarjuna Rao, a resident of Tiruvuru, who made the call under the influence of alcohol.
- The swift action by Vijayawada police prevented further panic.
Incident 2: Fake IPS Officer During Visit
During Pawan Kalyan’s Manyam district tour, a fake IPS officer caused a stir.
- The impersonator, Surya Prakash, was caught wearing an IPS uniform and detained by the police.
- This incident highlighted loopholes in Pawan Kalyan’s security arrangements during public events.
Incident 3: Power Outage at Vijayawada Book Fair
At a recent book fair in Vijayawada, the electricity supply was disrupted while Pawan Kalyan was interacting with the public near book stalls.
- Security personnel immediately responded, and the organizers were questioned about the lapse.
Incident 4: Suspicious Drone Over Jana Sena Office
On January 18, an unidentified drone flew over the under-construction Jana Sena Party office in Mangalagiri.
- Following complaints from Pawan Kalyan’s team, the police investigated and concluded that the drone belonged to Fiber Net officials, who were conducting a pilot project.
- Despite the clarification, the incident added to the growing concerns.
Call for Enhanced Security
Jana Sena leaders and supporters have intensified their demand for Z+ category security for Pawan Kalyan, citing his position as both Deputy Chief Minister and a prominent political figure. They argue that his safety should be a top priority given the repeated lapses.
Government and Police Response
The Andhra Pradesh police have assured the public that they are taking all necessary measures to ensure Pawan Kalyan’s safety. However, the frequency of these incidents has left Jana Sena leaders questioning the current arrangements.
The debate over Pawan Kalyan’s security underscores the need for stringent measures to protect public figures in high-stakes political environments.
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