Every year, as part of the Dussehra festivities, thousands of devotees gather at Devaragattu in Aluru Constituency to celebrate the unique and intense Devaragattu Stick Festival, known locally as Bunny Utsavam. This festival, marked by a traditional stick fight, takes place during the Kalyanotsava (marriage ceremony) of Mala Malleswara Swamy. Devotees divide into two groups, each bearing festival idols, and participate in the ritualistic stick fight, a central feature of the event. This year, the festival is scheduled for the night of October 12, with preparations already in full swing.
Devotees from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Maharashtra flock to Devaragattu for this grand spectacle. The Bunny Utsavam has earned a reputation for its intense fervor, with participants often engaging in stick fights while under the influence of alcohol, which has sometimes led to accidents. If sticks are not maneuvered correctly, the iron spikes on the ends can cause injuries, often breaking the heads of participants. There have also been incidents of people falling and suffocating due to the flames from the divinities carried during the event.
In light of these dangers, authorities are taking stringent measures to ensure the safety of all attendees. District Superintendent of Police Bindu Madhav recently visited Devaragattu to oversee preparations and ensure that adequate safety protocols are in place. To reduce the risk of violence and accidents, over 1,000 police officers will be on-site to maintain order. The festival is a cherished tradition for the community, but officials are committed to preventing unnecessary injuries while allowing devotees to celebrate.
Officials from various departments are collaborating to ensure all arrangements are complete, providing necessary medical support and emergency response teams. This year’s emphasis on safety aims to balance the passion of the festival with a sense of responsibility and care for all involved.
The Devaragattu Stick Festival is an intense demonstration of faith and tradition, and while the fervor runs high, the authorities are prepared to manage the event with a focus on safety. As SP Bindu Madhav stated, the measures aim to allow everyone to experience the event without the worry of accidents. With this increased security, devotees can look forward to participating in the Bunny Utsavam while honoring the rich cultural heritage it represents.
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