Explore the intriguing journey of Bollywood star Urmila Matondkar, from her rise to fame working with director Ram Gopal Varma to the challenges...
Our VizagSeptember 26, 2024Bollywood's beloved actress, Urmila Matondkar, has taken a bold step by filing for divorce from her husband, Mosin Akhtar Mir. The industry is...
Our VizagSeptember 25, 2024Shalini Pandey, the glamorous beauty who captured hearts overnight with her debut in 'Arjun Reddy,' faced a rollercoaster journey in the film industry....
Our VizagSeptember 24, 2024“Dhruvi Patel, a student studying Computer Information Systems in the USA, has been crowned the winner of Miss India Worldwide 2024, the most...
Our VizagSeptember 21, 2024