Experience the thrill of Rani Mukerji's return as the relentless Shivani Shivajirai in 'Mardaani 3', as the franchise embarks on a new journey...
Our VizagAugust 23, 2024Renowned actor Shah Rukh Khan admitted that he initially hesitated to portray the character of 'Devdas,' considering him to be a loser and...
Our VizagAugust 14, 2024On August 10th, Shah Rukh Khan made history by being the first Indian figure to receive the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award known as...
Our VizagAugust 12, 2024At the song launch event, Raveena Tandon, Aruna Irani, Sukhbir, and choreographer Ganesh Acharya showcased their dance moves to the upbeat Punjabi track...
Our VizagAugust 1, 2024