From IPL net bowler to a promising multi-format star, Harshit Rana's journey in cricket has been remarkable. Discover his story, challenges, and coach's...
Our VizagNovember 23, 2024In a shocking incident just before the Border-Gavaskar Trophy's opening match, umpire Tony Dinobrecca was seriously injured after being struck by a ball...
Our VizagNovember 21, 2024Team India star spinner Kuldeep Yadav, who has been suffering from a long-standing injury, recently underwent surgery in Germany. The injury, which kept...
Our VizagNovember 21, 2024Good news for Team India as senior fast bowler Mohammad Shami, who recently made a comeback in the Ranji Trophy, may join the...
Our VizagNovember 15, 2024