Sana Khan, once a rising star in Bollywood, Tollywood, and beyond, left the film industry at the peak of her career. Known for...
Our VizagNovember 23, 2024Bollywood power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcome their first child, a baby girl named Dua Padukone Singh. The couple shared their...
Our VizagNovember 2, 2024Renowned Tollywood actress Radhika Sarath Kumar is not just a celebrated star on screen; she has a family connection to Indian cricket that...
Our VizagNovember 1, 2024Radhika Pandit, known as the wife of KGF star Yash, has carved out her own identity in the Kannada film industry. Despite stepping...
Our VizagOctober 27, 2024