A devastating incident unfolded at Essentia Company in Achyutapuram SEZ of Rambilli Mandal in Anakapalli District, resulting in a significant loss. An explosion...
Our VizagAugust 22, 2024Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu is actively engaging in discussions with the Central government to drive the state’s development forward. Following the...
Our VizagAugust 18, 2024The Andhra Pradesh government is set to conduct Revenue Sadassulu at the village level throughout the state for a period of 45 days...
Our VizagAugust 12, 2024The goal of Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s life is to create a society devoid of poverty, he declared on Saturday. However, the...
Our VizagJuly 14, 2024