The latest release, "Devara," helmed by director Koratala Siva and starring NTR in a solo role after the blockbuster film RRR, has taken...
Our VizagSeptember 30, 2024Get ready for an unforgettable cinematic experience as NTR and the movie team gear up for the release of "Devara." With intriguing plot...
Our VizagSeptember 22, 2024Junior NTR steals the spotlight at the trailer launch event in Mumbai for his upcoming action-packed movie "Devara." Find out what the star...
Our VizagSeptember 11, 2024Earlier this week, there was a sighting of Jr NTR and director Sandeep Reddy Vanga together, sparking talk of a potential collaboration. As...
Our VizagSeptember 10, 2024