Once a celebrated star in Tollywood, Pooja Hegde has faced a string of disappointments in recent films across multiple languages. Despite her impressive...
Our VizagOctober 27, 2024Bollywood's beloved actress, Urmila Matondkar, has taken a bold step by filing for divorce from her husband, Mosin Akhtar Mir. The industry is...
Our VizagSeptember 25, 2024Discover the captivating journey of Ramya, a versatile actress who has captivated audiences across Tollywood and Bollywood with her exceptional performances. From her...
Our VizagSeptember 18, 2024Explore the disturbing revelations of sexual harassment in the Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu film industries, contrasting with the camaraderie in Hindi cinema, as...
Our VizagAugust 29, 2024