Bollywood's beloved Baadshah, Shah Rukh Khan, has revealed his heartfelt desire to continue acting for the rest of his life. In a recent...
Our VizagOctober 19, 2024Both Prabhas and NTR are establishing themselves as prominent Pan India stars, gaining immense popularity from their blockbuster films. Director Surender Reddy recently...
Our VizagOctober 19, 2024Vidya Balan's breakthrough film Kahaani was a critical and commercial success, but it wasn’t without challenges. Despite budget constraints, Vidya gave a stellar...
Our VizagOctober 7, 2024Discover the latest sensation in Telugu cinema with 'Devara', a movie that has captured the hearts of audiences across India. Dive into the...
Our VizagSeptember 27, 2024