Actress Janhvi Kapoor, known for her acting prowess, recently surprised her fans by revealing a hidden talent for painting. The talented actress continues...
Our VizagNovember 20, 2024The highly anticipated film "Devara," directed by Koratala Siva and starring Jr. NTR alongside Janhvi Kapoor, has exceeded expectations at the box office,...
Our VizagOctober 22, 2024The latest release, "Devara," helmed by director Koratala Siva and starring NTR in a solo role after the blockbuster film RRR, has taken...
Our VizagSeptember 30, 2024Experience the magic of 'Devara,' a captivating film starring NTR, Janhvi Kapoor, Shruti Marathi, and Saif Ali Khan. Dive into a world of...
Our VizagSeptember 28, 2024