Prashant Neel, known for ‘KGF’ and ‘Salar’, penned the story for the action thriller Bagheera, starring Sri Murali. While the film garnered success...
Our VizagNovember 22, 2024Nayanthara’s recent allegations against Dhanush over her wedding documentary have created a stir in Kollywood. The star heroine claims Dhanush demanded ₹10 crore...
Our VizagNovember 17, 2024Get ready for a cinematic treat as about seven movies and series are gearing up to be digitally streamed next month. From super...
Our VizagSeptember 28, 2024The world leader Kamal Haasan's popularity soars following the success of 'Vikram', with his focus shifting to films over politics. Amidst shooting 'Thug...
Our VizagSeptember 23, 2024