Naveen, a young farmer from Parigi Mandal, is embarking on a unique 30-day bullock cart journey to meet Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan. His...
Our VizagNovember 24, 2024As part of the Mahayuti alliance, BJP has entrusted AP Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan with leading the campaign for the Maharashtra assembly elections....
Our VizagNovember 16, 2024Kajal Aggarwal has become a beloved figure in Tollywood, having starred as the leading lady alongside some of the biggest stars of the...
Our VizagNovember 12, 2024Sanusha Santhosh, known for her role as the heroine’s sister in Pawan Kalyan’s Bangaram, has come a long way. From being a popular...
Our VizagNovember 7, 2024