Prashant Neel, known for ‘KGF’ and ‘Salar’, penned the story for the action thriller Bagheera, starring Sri Murali. While the film garnered success...
Our VizagNovember 22, 2024Tarak's devoted fans express their longing for a much-anticipated update in the world of music, as they reflect on the impact of a...
Our VizagSeptember 15, 2024Young Tiger Jr. NTR took a break from his busy shooting schedule to visit the famous Sri Krishna Mutt in Udupi, accompanied by...
Our VizagSeptember 1, 2024Recently, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding Prabhas’ upcoming movie projects, particularly regarding the highly anticipated ‘Salar 2’. Initially, there were...
Our VizagAugust 19, 2024