Tollywood is mourning the untimely death of veteran actor Vijay Rangaraju, known for his stellar performances in Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada films. His...
Our VizagJanuary 20, 2025Sivakarthikeyan's Amaran, based on the life of Major Mukund Varadarajan, has taken the box office by storm, crossing the Rs. 200 crore mark....
Our VizagNovember 13, 2024South Indian cinema star Trisha Krishnan had a delightful surprise on Sunday when she discovered her name featured in none other than The...
Our VizagNovember 5, 2024The highly anticipated film Kangua, starring hero Surya, faces potential delays as Reliance Entertainment has filed a court petition against producer KE Gnanavel,...
Our VizagNovember 4, 2024