The much-anticipated Netflix documentary Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairy Tale has found itself at the center of a heated controversy, with Nayanthara accusing fellow...
Our VizagNovember 17, 2024Nayanthara’s recent allegations against Dhanush over her wedding documentary have created a stir in Kollywood. The star heroine claims Dhanush demanded ₹10 crore...
Our VizagNovember 17, 2024On Kamal Haasan’s birthday, Muslim groups staged a protest near his residence in Chennai, opposing the depiction of Muslims in his latest production,...
Our VizagNovember 8, 2024Surya and Jyothika's daughter, Diya, has won the Best Screenwriter Award for her documentary Leading Light. The emotional post shared by Surya celebrating...
Our VizagOctober 4, 2024