Meena, the iconic star heroine of Telugu and Tamil cinema, continues to steal hearts with her timeless beauty. Her childhood photos are circulating...
Our VizagNovember 24, 2024Rashi Khanna, a celebrated star in South Indian cinema, rose to fame with her Telugu debut in Uhahulu Gusa Gusalade in 2014. Known...
Our VizagNovember 7, 2024Remember Baby Nithya from the movie Devullu? Now, as Nithya Shetty, she's taking on new roles in Telugu cinema and captivating fans on...
Our VizagOctober 11, 2024Discover the captivating journey of Poorna, formerly known as Shamna Kasim, as she navigates her way from being a beloved beauty on screen...
Our VizagSeptember 5, 2024