The successful partnership of Balayya and director Boyapati Srinu continues as they kick off their fourth film, titled "Akhanda 2: Tandavam." Meanwhile, young...
Our VizagOctober 17, 2024In a remarkable display of compassion, Mega Power Star Ram Charan has once again proven his generosity by standing by a child suffering...
Our VizagOctober 17, 2024In the wake of his latest film Devara reaching the ₹500 crore mark at the box office, Jr NTR opened up about the...
Our VizagOctober 11, 2024Senior Telugu actor Rajendra Prasad’s daughter, Gayatri, passed away due to a heart attack, leaving the family in mourning. Rajendra Prasad, who has...
Our VizagOctober 5, 2024