Arka Media Works, the powerhouse behind the Baahubali franchise, is venturing into the supernatural thriller genre with an intriguing new project. Initially, the...
Our VizagNovember 22, 2024Honey Rose, a celebrated actress in the Malayalam industry, became a favorite among Telugu fans with her role in Veerasimha Reddy. Despite her...
Our VizagNovember 13, 2024Kajal Aggarwal has become a beloved figure in Tollywood, having starred as the leading lady alongside some of the biggest stars of the...
Our VizagNovember 12, 2024Priyadarshini Ghattamaneni, the younger sister of superstar Mahesh Babu and wife of talented hero Sudhir Babu, is making waves on social media with...
Our VizagNovember 3, 2024