In a surprising and heartwarming move, Tollywood megastar Chiranjeevi has chosen to postpone the release of his highly anticipated film Vishwambhara to allow...
Our VizagOctober 14, 2024In an unexpected turn of events, Shruti Haasan has stepped away from the Tollywood film Dacoit, which was one of the industry’s most...
Our VizagOctober 14, 2024Preeti Asrani, who started her journey as a child artist in films like Malli Raava, has now blossomed into a promising heroine in...
Our VizagOctober 10, 2024Power Star Pawan Kalyan recently visited Tirumala for a spiritual pilgrimage, accompanied by his daughters and film industry friends. The photos from this...
Our VizagOctober 7, 2024