In a significant crackdown, the Visakhapatnam city police arrested Nadella Srinivasa Rao, a 52-year-old resident of Gajuwaka, for allegedly masterminding a fraudulent investment...
Our VizagSeptember 27, 2024Discover how the Visakhapatnam Police are stepping up to provide round-the-clock emergency assistance to the public during cyclones. Learn about the dedicated control...
Our VizagSeptember 8, 2024Discover how Vizag is leveraging technology to simplify Ganesh pandal approvals with the introduction of an online single window system. Say goodbye to...
Our VizagAugust 29, 2024Dwarka police in Visakhapatnam have arrested Mamidi Anil Kumar, the main suspect involved in a kidney racket linked to a private hospital. The...
Our VizagJuly 22, 2024