In the latest episode of Bigg Boss Season 8, tensions soared as Sonia Akula re-entered the house and caused a stir during the...
Our VizagNovember 19, 2024Vishnu Priya and Prithvi’s relationship took a turn on the latest Bigg Boss episode. Tensions flared after a misunderstanding over a suitcase, but...
Our VizagNovember 8, 2024The latest episode of Bigg Boss has turned up the heat as Nikhil, Yashmi, Gautam, and Vishnu's complicated triangle continues to evolve. Nikhil's...
Our VizagNovember 6, 2024In a dramatic turn of events, Sonia's outburst and the looming wild card entries created a tense atmosphere in the Bigg Boss house....
Our VizagSeptember 26, 2024